Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Servings (6 to 8 persons) Cooking Time (30 minutes)
Ingredients chickpeas (Kabuli Chana) (soaked overnight) 300 gram Onions (Pyaaz) 1 small National Garlic Powder 1/2 teaspoon Yogurt (Dahee) 1 teaspoon Lemon (Neembu) juice 1 teaspoon Egg (Anda) yolk 1 count National Chilli Powder 1 teaspoon National Coriander Powder 1/2 teaspoon National Cumin Seed Powder 1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon National Iodized/Refined Salt 1/2 to 1 teaspoon National Black Pepper Powder 1/2 teaspoon Bread crumbs 50 gram Oil (Tayl) 3 cup
Method Put all the ingredients (except breadcrumbs) in a food processor and make a fine paste. Now add breadcrumbs and mix gently. Make 2 inch round balls and deep fry in cooking oil/olive oil. Serve with National Hot & Spicy Ketchup.
Instead of tossing into breadcrumbs you can also use National Lite & crisp Masala Mix.
Note: National Garlic Powder can be used instead of fresh garlic.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Chicken Manchurian
Servings (3-4 persons) Cooking Time (30 minutes)
Ingredients Chicken (Murgh) (cut into small pieces) 1/2 kilogram Oil (Tayl) 1 cup National Chinese Salt 1/2 tablespoon National Iodized/Refined Salt 1/2 tablespoon National Chilli Powder 1/2 teaspoon National Garlic Powder paste 1.5 teaspoon National Ginger Powder paste 1 teaspoon National Tomato Ketchup 1 cup
Method Heat half of the oil and fry the chicken in it till it is done. Remove the chicken from the oil when it is more than half done. Mix the ginger & garlic paste in the rest of the oil and fry it. Add the rest of the ingredients and the tomato paste/National Tomato Ketchup to the fried ginger & garlic paste. Bring the contents to boil. Add the chicken and simmer for 2 minutes. Serve with boiled rice.
In place of National Tomato ketchup you can use home meat tomoto sauce.
For Tomato Sauce:
Heat oil and fry 2 ½ finely chopped onions with 1 tsp of garlic paste to a golden brown color. Add 1 cup of tomato paste and cook for 2 minutes. Add 1.5tsp of oregano leaves, ½ tsp of sugar and ¼ tsp of National Black pepper powder. Continue cooking over a very low heat until you get a thick paste.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
There have been anecdotal reports that the number of individuals being diagnosed with HIV in the UK when they already have severe immune suppression has increased in recent years. Patients who have a low CD4 cell count at the time of their HIV diagnosis are at higher risk of disease progression and are less likely to experience the same degree of immunological and virological benefit from HAART. There are also concerns individuals who have very low CD4 cell counts at the time of their HIV diagnosis make a greater demand on clinical services.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Predictors of HIV Disease Progression
The median time from the acquisition of infection and the development of AIDS is variable and depends on many factors. It is usually 10-12 years. Without therapy the CD4+ declines by 40-80 cells / mm³ each year.
Among the predictors of disease progression are :
Transfusion recipients often progress faster to AIDS as compared to Haemophilics. The rapidity of progression of infection increases if the infection is acquired after the age of 35 years. Higher viral load is associated with faster disease progression. CD4 cell count provide crucial information as to the degree of immunodeficiency. Combined plasma viral load and CD4 count estimation provides best estimation of disease progression in an individual.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Supplemental Tests - Western Blot test, Immunofluorescent tests. These are used to validate results obtained by the screening tests. Western Blot test is highly sensitive test. Like ELISA it may not be positive in the initial 3-4 wks. of infection.
Confirmatory Tests - aim at demonstration of Viral Antigen(P24), isolation of HIV and detection of viral nucleic acid. These are done in the reference centres and are time consuming and very costly. The confirmatory tests can diagnose HIV infection even during the initial two to three weeks - the window period, in which both the screening and the supplemental tests fail to diagnose the infection.
Elisa (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays)
ELISA is the most commonly used test to screen for HIV infection. It detects antibodies to HIV. ELISA may not be sensitive during the initial 3-4 wks of infection because the HIV specific antibodies become positive about 22 to 27 days after acute infection.
False positive tests may occur in multiparous women, recent recipients of Influenza or Hepatitis B vaccines or multiple transfusions, those with hematological malignancies, multiple myeloma, primary biliary cirrhrosis or alcoholic hepatitis.
False negative ELISA occurs in very early or late in the course of HIV disease when antibody production is low.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Laboratory Tests for HIV Infection
Laboratory tests for detecting HIV infection are of three types Screening tests Supplemental tests Confirmatory tests Screening tests - are designed to detect Antibodies against HIV. they are of three types. ELISA - enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test Rapid Tests Simple Tests
ELISA technology is based on antigen-antibody and enzyme substrate reactions.
Rapid Tests - Dot Blot and Latex Agglutination Tests
Simple Tests - Particle Agglutination tests.
Both Simple and Rapid Tests do not need costly equipments.
Strategies employed for HIV screening.
Strategy I Used for blood transfusion safety. The serum of the donor is tested by one of the techniques E/R/S (ELISA, Rapid, Simple Tests) If reactive it is taken as Positive and if non reactive its taken as negative.
Stategy II If the serum is reactive with one of the E/R/S it is tested with a second E/R/S based on a different antigen or on different test principle. If the second test is reactive it is reported as positive. If it turns out to be non reactive it is reported as negative.
Strategy III If the serum sample is found to be reactive with two E/R/S tests, it is retested with a third E/R/S, again with a different antigen or a different test principle.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Two tests are used to diagnose HIV infection. They detect antibodies to HIV.
ELISA ( Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. If it is negative, no further tests are needed.
Western Blot Assay. It is used to confirm a positive ELISA test.
It can take up to 6 months, usually 3 months from the time of exposure to HIV until antibodies can be detected. During this period the person can spread infection to others.
HIV infection is diagnosed only after 2 or more positive ELISA tests are confirmed by a positive Western blot assay.
Laboratory Tests for HIV Infection
Rapid progressors About 5% to 10% of people who are infected with HIV are "rapid progressors." They develop AIDS within about 3 years if they do not receive treatment.
Nonprogressors and HIV-resistant people Some people never become infected with HIV despite years of exposure to the virus (for example, they may have repeated, unprotected sex with an infected person). These people are said to be HIV-resistant.
At least 5% of HIV-positive people are described as "nonprogressors." These people have lived with the infection for 10 to 15 years but they have stayed healthy and do not have declining CD4+ cell counts.